11 Interesting Facts about Muay Thai

by Devon McNeely

Here are 11 interesting facts about the art of Muay Thai:

1. Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing, is a striking martial art and popular Martial Sport.

2. It is the National Sport of Thailand with an estimated 65,000 professional fighters.

3. A person who trains in Muay Thai is known as a Nak Muay.

4. Most professional fighters begin their training as kids as young as 6 and have their first professional fights between ages 8-10.

5. Professional boats in Thailand do not pay very much and so fighters have matches at least once a month. Many fighters have well over 100 fights before they are even in their prime.

6. Muay Thai is known as the ‘Art of Eight Limbs’ because of its focus on 8 particular types of strikes. These eight weapons are the Hands, the elbows, the knees, and the legs and feet.

7. Muay Thai has elements of many older martial arts from Southeast Asia. These older combat styles have been grouped together under the name Muay Boran meaning Ancient Boxing.

8. While the art consists primarily of strikes and kicks, the clinch adds in a grappling element.

9. Muay Thai is the most common striking style used by MMA Fighters.

10. Before a match fighters will often participate in a small pre-fight ritual called a Wai Kru in order to pay respects to your teacher, your gym, and to all those who have helped you along your journey.

11. The Wai Kru is performed wearing a traditional headband called a mongkon (or mongkol). These headpieces are made from rope, thread, and silk materials woven together and are often blessed by Buddhist monks. Fighters are given a mongkon by their trainer when the trainer recognizes their effort and skill.