17 Interesting Facts about Aikido

by Devon McNeely

Here are 17 interesting facts about the art of Aikido:

1. Aikido is a Japanese style focusing on controlling and redirecting the force and momentum of an attack.

2. The word Aikido can be translated to mean ‘The way of unifying with life energy or ‘The way of harmonious spirit’.

3. Aikido utilizes techniques such as throws and joint locks but contains no strikes.

4. Training also includes weapon practice with the boken, tanto, and jo staff.

5. Aikido was founded by Morihei Ueshiba who is often referred to as Osensei meaning ‘Great Teacher’.

6. Aikido was developed by adding elements of philosophy and Neo-Shinto religious beliefs to Aiki-Jujutsu, specifically Daito-Ryu Aki-Jujutsu.

7. The added Philosophies changed the focus of the art from conflict and combat to personal development and self-perfection. This is emphasized in the change in the name of the style from ‘Jutsu’ meaning technique to ‘Do’ meaning way.

8. Aikido is considered a soft art focusing on the redirection of force. It does, however, still contain throws and joint locks which can be devastating to an attacker.

9. Students often learn break falls, called Ukemi, before learning throwing techniques. This allows them to train safely with other students without the fear of being injured or injuring their partner.

10. Techniques do not require strength to perform as the force needed for a technique is provided by the attacker. This makes it a good choice for a smaller and weaker martial artist as strength and size are not needed.

11. Circular movements are used to accept and redirect force and to break the balance of an attacker.

12. The uniform worn by Aikido practitioners is called an Aikidogi and the pants are called Hakima.

13. Aikido was spread from Japan to the rest of the world in the 1950’s.

14. Before actor Steven Seagal went to Hollywood he was the first foreigner to run an aikido dojo in Japan.

15. The importance of ritual is present in all aspects of Aikido including bowing, beginning and ending classes and even when practicing techniques with a partner. This focus on ritual is due to the religious and philosophical underpinnings of the art and forms a strict contrast to arts that focus exclusively on technique such as MMA or Krav Maga.

16. The largest Aikido organization is the Aikikai Foundation which is run by Morihei Ueshiba’s family. Other styles were subsequently formed by his students.

17. The ranking system of Aikido starts with a number of ‘Kyu’ or grades which are sometimes represented by different colored belts and sometimes all represented by a white belt. After the Kyu ranks are the ‘Dan’ ranks meaning degree. Dan ranks are represented with a black belt and can have various stripes showing the rank.